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Messages - Khaleesi

Pages: [1]
Beginners / Re: Where to start learning Dothraki?
« on: June 11, 2011, 03:35:37 am »
Thanks so much I have to say thats been one of my favorite words since the show started. I just love the way it sounds coming out of there mouth. I have tried looking it up but i knew i had to be spelling it wrong then i came across your site where u were on cam and teaching ppl how to speak in dothraki so i knew u were the right guy to ask. Again thanks so much...

Beginners / Re: Where to start learning Dothraki?
« on: June 10, 2011, 11:31:24 pm »

I know this may be a dumb question but I was wondering what the word Kaleci ment. I dont know if I spelled the word right but I cant seem to find it and Iv heard it on the show several times. I thought that was Drogos wifes name till I learned it wasnt... If anyone knows please let me know what the meaning is. I love the word and the sound of it so I used it as my main username..

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